The BSE Sensex, which fell over 400 points earlier today, was quoting at 79,900 levels, up around 200 points. The Nifty50, on the other hand, was testing 24,400.
The recovery was led by JSW Steel, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, Tata Motors, Kotak Bank, Infosys, and Bharti Airtel. These stocks were up in the range of 0.4 per cent to 1.7 per cent.
Among sectors, the Nifty Metal index gained 0.5 per cent, and the Nifty Bank 0.45 per cent. The Nifty FMCg index, on the flipside, fell 0.5 per cent.
Adani-Hindenburg-Sebi case
That apart, shares of IIFL Group companies – IIFL Securities, IIFL Finance, and 360 One WAM — also dropped up to 3.5 per cent after Hindenburg alleged that an Adani director set up IPE-Plus Fund 1 through the former IIFL Wealth Management (now 360-One WAM) to invest in Indian markets and artificially inflate Adani group stock prices.
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