There’s not a person alive who hasn’t made a decision and wondered if they made the right choice. Some decisions aren’t life-changing, but others can be. My post yesterday on what I kept from the Nordstrom Sale was all about decisions, but I’m not stressing over those. However, decisions on a college or career choice, who to marry, or where to live can be stressful. It seems like big decisions and stress go hand in hand.
Do you remember having a Magic 8 Ball as a child? I loved that thing, and I asked it a thousand questions over the years. If I didn’t like the answer it gave me, I would shake it until it finally came up with the answer I wanted. Life isn’t quite as simple as it was when I was a child. The decisions keep coming, but the answers aren’t as easy as shaking a Magic 8 Ball.
When you leave your house, you’ll decide whether to turn right or left. We never know how that one decision can affect our lives. Turning left might put you in a traffic jam that makes you late for work while turning right might give you the opportunity to see a beautiful rainbow. If you turn left, you might feel stressed knowing you’re going to be late for work, but that’s not life-changing unless you lose your job.
Some decisions recently have affected me, and others I love. Those decisions cause me the most stress because I know it isn’t just me who has to live with them. When I’m faced with decisions like this, I try to look for the Lord’s guidance.
In this case, I can see the Lord’s hand at work. Doors that seemed closed suddenly opened, bringing about more decisions. When another closed door opened up out of the blue, I was certain that the Lord was at work. However, everyone wasn’t as thrilled with the decisions as I was, and doubt started to creep in.
I developed a case of the “what ifs,” which made me start to second guess the decision. The what-ifs can send you down a rabbit hole, and the worst-case scenarios take up space in your mind. When the what-ifs start, seeing the Lord’s handi-work disappears.
I was talking to my mother, going over all the reasons for the decision. I mentioned that I thought it was the right choice and that I was certain the Lord was behind the scenes, making everything fall into place. Once I hung up the phone, I looked at my verse of the day.
7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
I guess the Lord thought I needed some confirmation. Lol! If that wasn’t enough, this was my verse of the day yesterday.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
It would appear that the Lord is scolding me for not putting my trust in Him! I got the message LOUD and CLEAR!
There is no room for stress and trust in the same thought. If I put all my trust in the Lord, then stress has no choice but to vacate the premises. Stress is a tool of the devil, and trust is a tool of the Lord.
So… so long stress, and hello, trust! I know who I want to follow!
To GOD Goes The Glory!
Have A Blessed Day!
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